Life on Kajo

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Experience Kajo – shine – eat – sleep – repeat! 

Kajo is made of friends, tent villages, songs, and everything that we make it – together!

Get your 10,000 steps in easily by traveling from your subcamp to the program and back for lunch and back again for more fun activities. Every day at Kajo is a mini hike so come prepared with good shoes and a water bottle at all times.

Find out more about the day-to-day life at a Finnjamboree within these pages. How and where the food is served, when can you go for a wash, and where can you charge your phone. Get into the camp spirit by getting to know the means of the camp beforehand – more information will be added to these pages as we move closer to the event dates.

So start the countdown to Kajo now!

See the camp timetable here.

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