Kajo Ethical Guidelines

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These are the ethical guidelines for Kajo, the eighth Finnjamboree, which is organized by the Guides and Scouts of Finland. The guidelines concern every voluntary worker and paid employee at Kajo, as well as all participants and associates regardless of their organizational level.

The guidelines describe how to maintain trust with our partners and within our organization by operating ethically, responsibly, and according to our values. These guidelines are complemented by the Constitution of the Guides and scouts of Finland, their educational goals, ideals, ethical principles for partnership (only in Finnish), and other essential guidelines and well-tried practices.

Material concerning the values of scouting in Finnish can be found at https://www.partio.fi/suomen-partiolaiset/partiofaktat/partion-arvot/ and in English at https://scouts.fi/guiding-and-scouting/values-and-ideals/

Ethical principles of partnership can be found at (only in Finnish) https://www.partio.fi/lippukunnille/lippukunnan-johtaminen/sidosryhmat-ja-vaikuttaminen/kumppanuudet-ja-yritysyhteistyo/kumppanuustoiminnan-eettiset-periaatteet/

Guidelines for societal operation can be found at (only in Finnish) https://www.partio.fi/suomen-partiolaiset/yhteistyo/vaikuttamistyo/yhteiskunnallisen-toiminnan-linjaukset/

The purpose of the ethical guidelines is to give form to the scout values, attitudes, and responsibility we are committed to in scouting and at Kajo. We also hope that the guidelines make everyone involved in the Kajo project reflect on their actions from this perspective. The guidelines strengthen the unity of the Scouts and everyone’s identity as part of the unique Kajo project.

Nonetheless, even the best guidelines cannot solve all situations. In the end, everyone is responsible for their own actions.

Organizers and Participants of Kajo

We respect and promote the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and make sure not to violate it in our operation. In Finland, scouting is for everyone. Everyone can participate regardless of their ethnic or cultural background, language, religion or conviction, functional capacity, gender identity or its expression, and sexual orientation.

At Kajo everyone is equal. We don’t tolerate bullying, mistreatment, or harassment. Everyone at Kajo has the responsibility to intervene if they notice any inappropriate behavior. We acknowledge everyone’s individuality and value their opinions and efforts towards a common goal. We treat everyone justly.

At Kajo we comply with the Tobacco Act (549/2016). Otherwise, intoxicants are completely forbidden at the camp. More information about our intoxicant policy is given in Kajo’s rules.

Everything we do in the Scouts -as volunteers or paid workers-has an impact on what kind of organization the Scouts are and the organization’s public image. Each of us bears responsibility for the ethicality of our operations. Ethicality is part of everyday actions and choices throughout the camp project. It is based on how responsibly we carry out our tasks, the way we meet other people, and how we implement our principles both in our own and the whole organization’s activities.

Our operations are guided by the Constitution of the Guides and Scouts, which defines the objective and the values of the Scout movement. Scoutingiseducational work that aims to support the growth of children and youth while taking into consideration their individual characteristics. The objective and the values are taken into account in all of Kajo’s operations. Furthermore, the scout method and ideals are followed in our operations.

Acting in Kajo’s interests

Members of Kajo are loyal towards the organization and do not take part in any activities that are conflicting with the interests of Kajo or the Scouts.
  • We do not favor companies owned by us or our inner circle while cooperating in the name of Kajo.
  • We take good care of both tangible and intangible assets of Kajo and remember that they are not our personal property. This extends to the tangible and intangible assets that are loaned to Kajo.
  • We process confidential information within our duties with due diligence and do not pass it on without appropriate authorization.
  • We do not use the information we receive to pursue personal interests.
  • We follow Kajo’s and the Scouts’ communication instructions.
  • We do not take any unlawful advantage of or disclose to others any essential or unpublished information about Kajo.
  • We are proactive in bringing up any issues and risks we notice to appropriate authorities.

Collaboration and partnerships

Guides and Scouts of Finland have drawn up ethical principles for guiding collaboration with partners in different projects. We take these principles into account in all activities related to cooperation and partnerships.

The principles highlight active participation of the youth, which means that we aim to further employment and the opportunities of participation for youths.

Nature and environment are other principles. We wish that our partners take supporting natural diversity and preventing the climate crisis into account in their business and principles.

Peace and a better world are also some of our principles. We hope that our associates support humane working conditions and work towards a sustainable future.

Diversity as a principle means that the associate treats their employees and interest groups equally.

Additionally, we don’t accept any corruption in the public or private sectors. This means that in our dealings with our business partners or potential business partners, we do not offer, demand, receive or accept gifts, payments, services, or other benefits, if it could be reasonably assumed that they have an effect on the decision making concerning the partnership, and exceed normal hospitality. We honor the copyright, copy protection, patents, trademarks, and business secrets as well as the confidentiality of our business associates.

Compliance with Laws, Statutes, and Guidelines

We comply with legislation and statutes in everything we do, complemented by our own Scout instructions and other similar guidelines.

Scouts in the Society

We work responsibly to meet the principles, goals, and values of scouts and to also support the scout method and ideals. This way we can work actively and confidentially as well as responsibly as a part of society. We respect universal, fundamental, indivisible, and inalienable human rights. We don’t accept illegal or inhumane working conditions.

We take the environment into consideration in all of our decisions and activities in order to keep emissions as low as possible so we can leave this world a little better than when we found it.

Committing to the Kajo Ethical Guidelines

Kajo organization’s volunteers and employees commit to following these ethical guidelines and other possible guidelines pertinent to their own tasks. We expect that our associates work responsibly. We try to make sure that they follow these guidelines to the best of their ability.

If any of these guidelines are broken, it should be reported to your recruiter, who reports back to Kajo’s equality expert. If needed, infractions will be reported to the leaders of the camp or the Finnish Scouts board of directors. The reports can be made in your own native language and are handled confidentially. Retaliatory actions or countermeasures towards people making reports in good faith are not allowed. The ethical guidelines are accessible to every Kajo worker on our website. Every recruiter makes sure that these guidelines are available to those they recruit, and if needed, goes over the guidelines with them. If there are any unclear situations regarding the guidelines, the recruits should first talk with their own recruiter.

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