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The bulk of the program on Kajo consists of six so-called program valleys, full of amazing activities. When you’re not in a valley, there are pop-up activities, and, of course, the evening programs that bring the entire camp together. You can be sure there will be a lot to do and experience! Now you can also see the camp’s timetable.

Age group program

Everyone at Kajo will have an opportunity to participate in the program.


Most of the program for trackers will be within the program valleys. Along with them, Trackers will be able to participate in some pop up activities. Trackers will also have two discos and can attend the  disco.


Explorers will be participating in the program valleys, pop up activities and their 2-day assignments. Explorers will participate in all programs together with their group.


Rover will be in their assignments for 75% of the camp. Outside of their assignments rovers will be able to attend the program valleys as well as the pop up program and parties.

Program valleys

Within the valleys, the program is primarily meant for 12-17-year-olds. Rovers (18-22-year-olds) and kids under 12 will have opportunities to explore the valleys.

Are there accessible programs for those who have ie. reduced mobility?

Most of the programs are fully accessible and within every valley, there will be something to do for all participants. It is possible that not all activities are accessible to everyone, but we strive to communicate that clearly and well in advance so that everyone can plan a nice day in the valleys.


The Action Valley is the place for action! What would you think of a sculpture competition, James Bond –like stunts or climbing high in the treetops? Would you join the hunger games or be a survivor on an arctic expedition? This and a lot more can be found on the ideas list for the Action Valley.

Even though the name suggests hard excercise and heart pounding excitement, there will be something for everyone. Aside from physical activities, you can also find brain teaser activities. What’s important is that each participant can alone, and together with others, challenge themselves to learn about their own limits and experience unique activities!


In the Battle Valley you will race and compete in games that take their inspiration from familiar reality TV formats. Do you think you would make it as a Taskmaster, Survivor, or on Project Runway? The most important thing is team work, and of course beating the neighboring team.


Life had its beginning 3.6 billion years ago, but how have we made it all the way from there to today? What kind of ecosystems are there on our planet, and how do they work? And what do they mean for humans? In the Life Valley we dive into ecosystems, build new habitats and wonder about how our lives connect to the lives of other organisms. So come find out how and why life works!


In the Heureka Valley we interpret, examine and understand! The Valley offers experiences about everyday pnehomena and scientific theories. This Valley is for you, the mad scientists and Gyro Gearlooses!


When people work together, sometimes arguments and conflicts arise. These should be resolved as peacefully as possible, without too much turmoil. What is fairness? How to respect everyone?  In the Peace Valley you go on an adventure to solve problems in a diverse world. Like detectives, participants get to uncover the path of events and settle disagreements.

PLEASE NOTE! In the Peace Valley you will need the ActionTrack-app, please make sure at least one person in your group has it in their phone. 


It is a goal of Scouts to give every young person the skills to change the world. What are the scouting skills and strengths that are required in the world of the future? In this Valley you will need the courage to ask, question, and imagine that which hasn’t yet come to pass. Scouts are the creators of change!

Culture Bash Night

Do you have a special play, game, or something else from your culture, that you want to show and teach others at Kajo? If so, this is your chance! Culture Bash is an evening event on Kajo, where participants can visit other subcamps, meet new people, play new games and see different cultures from Finland and all around the world.

You can already start planning and thinking about what your group wants to showcase to other Kajo participants. It can be something from your country or culture, something to eat, a special game or anything else! The Culture Bash evening event will be held on the 17th of July at Kajo, more specific information will come later on. In order for us, the organizers, to be prepared for your showcase, we will send out a forms questionnaire in the June newsletter, asking you about your specific showcase: keep a lookout for that. We’re excited to get to know more about your cultures!

Välähtämö and Välähdys program

Välähtämö is kind of like Kajo’s own Times Square: it’s located where all the main passageways meet and there you can encounter something new every day. Especially Explorers, Rovers, and Adults find something interes- ting, fun, and useful to do along the camp days.
On Välähtämö’s area:
  • Välähtämö’s reception desk, or Respa
  • Välähdys-program
  • Support leading
  • Encountering free time
  • Accessibility’s Smoke
  • Better Scout Group
  • KV-lounge/International lounge
  • Sacred Space (more on Spirituality on Kajo)
Välähtämö’s reception desk, or Respa is located at the feet of the Roihu monument. Respa has the most up-to-date information on the day’s pro- 26 gram. Respa also knows about the program for leaders. Respa can also appoint you to the right person in Välähtämö to answer your questions.Välähtämö offers the chance for visiting stars to arrange something to do, if the timetable and tents have room. When you want to teach juggling, lead a 15-minute jam session, host or a card game party with your interna- tional friends, come and tell us at Respa, so we can find out where we can put you.
In short: if you are bored, or have the interest to arrange something to do for others, or if you want to learn something, head towards the Roihu monument.
Välähdys program
Välähdys-program is everything that does not happen at the valleys or stages, and which you can participate in at any moment during your day, and for as long as you want. Välähdys-program is aimed towards Explorers and up, but we do not turn away Trackers and the Family Villagers.
There is Välähdys-program of many kinds:
Our Jumping team organizes active and sporty moments along the day, from morning exercises to evening stretching and night orienteering.
Fun team offers the opportunity to train handcrafting skills by, for ins- tance, weaving ropes and wood-turning. They also make sure that the queues in the camp are more entertaining than usual.
Spirit team makes sure that the Kajo’s spiritual upbringing is in good hands. It does not matter if it is about one’s personal beliefs or becoming familiar with other views of life.
Moreover, you can find radio scouts in Välähtämö, and they keep in touch with other scouts around the world through radio waves.We roam the campsite, and also visit the sub camps and camp units. However, the most reliable place to find us is in Välähtämö.
You can find out about each day’s Välähdys-program at Respa, in the foot of Roihu monument.(Among other things, these words might be related to the Välähdys-pro- gram: sandwich waltz, rope weaving, camp triathlon, Akathist, loom, soft serve quiet down, mast. You can guess how!)In addition to guided and independent program, a huddle of super smart and nice people is hanging at Välähtämö. You can come and have a chit- chat or grab one to accompany you in Välähdys-program.
Recognising skills in scouts is top-quality and we have the best people to answer any questions about it in Välähtämö. The monument is the place to be if you are interested in skill badges or utilizing Kajo in school.
Support leading happens primarily in the sub camp around Evo. If support leading on Kajo or outside it interests you, we have smart people in Välähtämö to discuss it.Encountering free time’s people wander around the campsite and Välähtämö ready for all participants. If your friend is stuck in their assignment or did not get excited about your favorite activity, then come and grab a new friend from Välähtämö. There are also encountering points at each end of the main street. They are camper vans where you can hang at in any way you like.
Next to Välähtämö is Accessibility’s Tent, which is open to everyone. There is, among other things,
• Info desk about accessibility and diversity
• Accessibility’s action track
• Workshop of senses
• Specialized program for those with physical limitations
• Area for training and workshops
• A spot for maintaining and borrowing equipment
• Help for acute translational needs
Accessibility’s Tent is open primarily 9 am – 8 pm. Detailed opening hours and weekly program can be found out at the spot.


There will be three big joint events held on the camp: opening ceremony, mid-camp ceremony and ending ceremony. The events are for the whole camp. The story beginning at the opening ceremony will bind the program and camp together by the end of the ending ceremony. The common pro- gramme offers awesome experiences through the actors, music, dancing, and sounds. The lightshow and festival atmosphere included!The opening and ending ceremonies will be held on the main stage, where every subcamp will move to according to instructions. For the mid-camp ceremony, participants will download the ActionTrack-app*, which will be the medium for an interactive phenomenon in the Evo’s terrain. The mid- camp ceremony will end at the lake stage.
*At the mid-camp ceremony, there will a terrain game for every participant to take part in.Download the free ActionTrack-app on your smart device and follow Kajo’s web site for the information on the preview game!
To play the preview game enter this code: 5358d390


On Raffu’s stage, there will be sing-alongs and jamming to a band. The Let It Out Loud –sing-along sessions are on Sunday and Thursday after din- ner, and on Tuesday (Visiting day) at forenoon and afternoon. Bring your friends and come to sing along and enjoy the music. Welcome!


Are you ready to party? After a looong wait it is finally possible to let your hair down and shake the twigs out of it! Festival-grade party music, new friends, and good vibes are at hand!

  • There will be lounging spots, where you can chill and relax if needed
  • There will be a total of four themed party nights
  • Every age group has a chance to attend a party
  • The last evening’s party is for the whole camp nation!
  • The party nation’s thirst will be squelched
  • The mobile café will take care of other party catering
  • All parties are at the main stage area
LA 16.7. 9pm–12am   MA 18.7. 9pm–12am   KE 20.7. 9pm–12am   PE 22.7. 10pm–12am  

DJ Orion (YleX), visuals: Folded Visuals


Live band 


 DJ Tony  (HitMix)


DJ Sampl & DJ Jangler, visuals: VJ Indigo

Explorers, Rovers & Adults Explorers, Rovers & Adults Rovers & Adults All  

Additionally, only the Trackers will have their own discos on Monday and Wednesday at 18.30-20.30.

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