Echoes of the future – share your thoughts in front of an audience

Kajo’s Future Valley has an echoes of the future (Kaikuja tulevaisuudesta) programme for speeches about the future held by experts and campers. We want to give young people a positive and realistic picture of their future, as well as to inspire them to have an impact on their own future. We are looking for 24 campers to speak after the experts have given their speeches. The camper speakers should be explorers, rovers and adults under the age of 30 years.  

What is required from the camper speaker?   

  • A roughly 2–3 minute speech about one of our themes: future society, future work, future skills, future environment, circular economy, future food or future dreams.  
  • You can speak of your own experiences, tell your story or share thoughts on the themes. What would you want to tell the future about the year 2022?  
  • A remote meeting before the camp (Teams) and sending the skeletal outline of your speech to the organisers in late spring.  
  • Arrival to the Future Valley on the practice day and presentation day at the agreed time, or filming your speech beforehand with us in Helsinki (if you are not attending the camp).  

What’s in it for you?   

  • You will gain experience in preparing a speech and public speaking on a stage in front of a large audience (a few hundred of campers). 
  • You get to share your thoughts and opinions and see what kind of reactions they spark. 
  • You will meet an expert who speaks before you.  
  • You will gain courage to take on new challenges again. 
  • An unforgettable experience and a change to affect other people’s ideas about the future.  

How to apply Fill in the application form by 18 April. We will notify you of the selection by email at the start of May.  Application form here (in Fiinish).

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