Kajo is now behind us and together we have written a new chapter in the story of Finnjamborees.
Everyone of us, including the camp leaders, had our own a highlight of Kajo. Kerttu’s favorite moments were the singalong nights and the last evening’s movie night along with hundreds of friends. Janne’s favorite moments included meeting and talking to old and new friends along the main road. And of course the lovely ceremonies, warm showers and cold ice cream!
Thanks to you, who participated in the camp, vibed with us, and were a part of Kajo’s colourful fabric. Thanks to you, who made the camp possible with your contribution. Without you, there wouldn’t have been a Kajo. Thanks to our numerous partners – without you, many great experiences would not have come true.
At the camp all of us got to shine their own light. Together we are Kajo.
Camp leaders Kerttu ja Janne
Ps. You can continue the camp mood even after the camp! Now is a good time to read the articles in T.O.M.U, dive into the photo archives and explore Kajo on social media!

Pictures: Niko Rautanen and Toivo Laiho