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All grant applications have been processed. The participant or the guardian of a minor participant has been directly informed of the grant decision. In the case of a denied grant application or reduced grant, the participant in question can withdraw their registration within two weeks of receiving the decision. This can be done through email to If you have not received your verdict please also contact us by email. 

Grant for camp participation fee

Kajo strives to be as accessible as possible. Grants enable camp participation for a wider range of participants.

The grants are awarded primarily based on financial need. Social factors that affect the applicant’s financial situation are also considered in the application process.

It is also possible to receive financial support for hobbies from the following:

  • Those who receive income support can apply for supplementary social assistance from their municipal social services to help cover costs of recreational activities.
  • The Tukikummit-foundation grants financial assistance through the Church’s diakonia. Contact the diaconal worker of your local parish for information regarding the application.
  • Organizations like Hope ry and Save the Children (Pelastakaa Lapset ry) also grant financial assistance for recreational activities.

How to apply for a grant in Kuksa:
Fill in the enrollment form for Kajo. Apply for a grant by clicking ”Enroll and apply for a grant” at the end of the form. After this, you get to fill in the grant application form.

Information about the grants

The participant can apply for a grant to support their camp participation. The grant applications are submitted together with the camp registration (1.12.2021-2.2.2022). After the registration is closed, it is no longer possible to apply for a grant. Grant applicants do not pay the participation fee during registration. A guardian needs to fill in the grant application for a participant under the age of 18.

Grants can be applied for in two different categories:

250 euro (full camp fee), this grant is available for participants between ages 12-22 (born 2000-2010)

125 euro (half of the camp fee), this grant is available for all participants over 12 years (born 2010 or earlier)

Grants are only available for participants who enroll for the whole camp. Participants under the age of 12 years cannot be granted grants. The amount of the grant cannot be higher than the sum applied for. A participant who has applied for the full fee can, however, be granted half of the fee. The grant is not taxable income, and it doesn’t affect the study grant or income support received by the applicant or his/her household.

Grant applications are confidential and processed by a grant group that works separately from the camp organization. The participant gives their consent to the disclosure of data to the grant group when submitting an application. Grants are awarded purely based on the information in the application and no attachments are required.

The participant or the guardian of a minor participant will be directly informed of the grant decision by 1.4.2022. Applicants who receive a negative or a lower decision on their grant may cancel their participation in writing within two weeks of receiving the decision by contacting If the grant does not cover the full participation fee, the difference of the participation fee and the grant will be invoiced from the participant. False information on the application form may lead to the recovery of the grant.

Link to the camp’s cancellation terms.

Questions of the grant application form

When you fill out the application as a guardian, answer from the participants’ viewpoint, even when the question refers to “you” or “your”. If you are not granted the scholarship amount you applied for, you can cancel your participation. The cancellation must be done in written form within two weeks after you’ve received the scholarship decision. 

I want to apply for a Kajo-grant. I understand the following terms: Participants aged 12-22 (born 2000-2010) can receive a grant of 250 € or 125 €. Participants over 22 (born 2000 or earlier) can only receive a grant of 125 €. Those younger than 12 years (born after 2010) can not receive a grant. Grants can only be applied for by participants who enroll for the whole camp.  

1. Which grant amount do you apply for?  

  • 250 euro (the entire camp fee), the grant can only be applied for participants aged 12-22 years (born 2000-2010). 
  • 125 euro (half of the camp fee), the grant can be applied for participants over 12 years (born 2010 or earlier).

A household consists of one or several persons who live in the same dwelling and share meals, or who otherwise share their incomes. Students who share an apartment each form a separate household. Children and their guardians, however, form a shared household. Answer each question according to the year of birth. 

2. How many children of ages 0-6 (born 2016-2022) reside in your household?  

3. How many children of ages 7-12 (born 2010-2015) reside in your household?  

4. How many children of ages 13-17 (born 2005-2009) reside in your household?  

5. How many adult dependents (born 2004 or earlier) reside in your household?  

6. How many adult guardians (born 2004 or earlier) reside in your household?  

The household net income consists of, for example, the following:  

  • salaries 
  • entrepreneurial incomes 
  • incomes from property (for example rental income from an owned apartment, dividend incomes and sales profits) 
  • different grants and benefits (for example study grant, housing allowance, child benefit, income support, pension and unemployment benefit)

(Example: The net salary income of each guardian is 1100 euros per month. The household also receives a total of 200 euros per month in child benefit for two children. The yearly income of the household is 28 800 euros (= 1100*12 + 1100*12+200*12). 

7. What is your net household income in 2021? Count together the net incomes of all your household members for the whole year. State the sum that you’ve received after tax deductions.  

  • Less than 10 000 eur year 
  • 10 000 – 12 000 eur per year 
  • 12 000 – 15 000 eur per year 
  • 15 000 – 18 000 eur per year 
  • 18 000 – 22 000 eur per year 
  • 22 001 – 26 000 eur per year 
  • 26 001 – 30 000 eur per year 
  • 30 001 – 35 000 eur per year 
  • 35 001 – 40 000 eur per year 
  • 40 001 – 50 000 eur per year 
  • 50 001 – 60 000 eur per year 
  • More than 60 001 eur per year 

Check the statements that apply to your household. 

8. The financial situation of my household is affected by:  

  • A member of my household has a disability of over 70 %, has a long-term illness, or needs hospital treatment on a regular basis. 
  • A member of my household has undergone bankruptcy or debt restructuring during the years 2020-2022. 
  • My household has during the years 2020-2022 faced a major housing-related damage (for example water or mold damage). 
  • At least one member of my household receives income support or disability pension. 
  • My family consists of a single parent with minor children. 
  • The applicant is a full-time student. 

9. How many persons under the age of 18 (born 2005 or later) from your household are participating in Kajo?  

10. How many adults (born 2004 or earlier) from your household are participating in Kajo?  

11. Is there something else in your situation that could affect your need for a grant?  

I accept that SP-FS treats all given information confidentially. False information may lead to the recovery of the grant. I confirm the applicant is over 12 years old and thus entitled to a scholarship. I accept that I can cancel the participation only if I do not get the amount I applied for.  

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