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 In every newsletter you will receive  current news and information about Kajo. If you want to receive this package  about once a month register here to the mailing list. All of the information published on newsletter will be found on the web page as well. But by registering you don’t miss anyhting and are first to know about happenings!

In every newsletter you will receive interesting information about Kajo and Finland. Did you by the way know that Finnish people love their coffee? An average Finn drinks three cups of coffee every day!

11th newsletter 20th June 2022

Here you’ll find info about the Kajo App and some last-minute tips for the camp.

10th newsletter 25th May 2022

Only 50 days until Kajo! Here you’ll find the links to the last Q&A sessions and more info about the day-to-day life at Kajo.

9th newsletter 19th April 2022

Complete the Safely Together training before the camp – more info about it in this newsletter!

8th newsletter 13th March 2022

In this newsletter, you’ll find information about the camp assignments and learn how these times of conflict affect Kajo. 

7th newsletter 15th February 2022

There are 12,900 of us! Find the camp schedule and more details about the camp within this newsletter.

6th newsletter 21st January 2022

In this newsletter, you’ll find information about the visiting day, Kajo products and more.

5th newsletter 16th December 2021

Find information about registration, accessibility and international program at camp within this newsletter.

4th newsletter 18th November 2021

In this newsletter, you’ll find information about registration and the dates for the next Q&A events with additional info about camp assignments and home hospitality.

3rd newsletter 16th October 2021

In this newsletter, you can find more information about Camp assignments, Home Hospitality and program. Fun fact about Finland is about our four different seasons.

2nd newsletter 26th August 2021

In this newsletter we tell you about Q & A -events, Camp assignments, Home Hospitality and about opportunity to make Kajo even better. 

1st newsletter 7h June 2021

In this newsletter, you get the first glimpses of Kajo and get to konw the International team little better.

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