Training for Kajo participants!

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Safely together 

Kajo’s explorers, rovers and adults as well as the people trying out scouting and international participants of equivalent age must complete the online safety course. Each recruiter is responsible for checking that their recruits have completed the course (such as a screenshot of the certificate). The camp unit leader checks the certificates of other camp unit staff members, and camp coaches check the certificates of camp unit leaders. The camp units can also check the certificates of their explorers and rovers (even though the recruiter also checks them).  You could go through the safety course together with explorers and rovers before the camp during a discussion with a supporting leader.  

The Safely Together Training is valid for five years. If it has been a while since you completed the course, we strongly recommend that you retake it before participating in the camp.  

Please complete the course in good time so you don’t have to take it on the way to the camp!  Find the course here.


First-aid training 

We recommend that every Kajo participant completes the first-aid course before the camp. First-aid skills are useful both at the camp and otherwise in scouting. You can ask your scout district.  


Coming soon!  

We are planning on making a separate training package for the international participants of Kajo, telling them more about scout camps in Finland and what matters an international participant should pay attention to at Kajo.  

Kajo training (Moodle-based) for the leaders of camp units is also under planning. It will help camp units prepare for Kajo and share basic information on what is to come. 

We are also working on a new Easy to Come Along online course. 

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