Payment methods

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  • The participation fee for the camp is paid through Paytrail’s payment service. Paytrail is also shown as the recipient of the payment on the payer’s bank statement, regardless of the chosen payment method. 
  • The participation fee will not be refunded if the participant cancels his/her participation for any other reason than those covered by the cancellation guarantee. 
  • If the event has to be cancelled, the participation fee will be refunded to the participant, less the share that has already been tied to event organization.  
  • If the event has to be cancelled, the creditor’s own terms of refund might apply to the refunding of the participation fee. Please check the terms of your own creditor. 

Online bank payment 

  • The payment can be made through the online bank services of the most common banks operating in Finland (Nordea, Osuuspankki, Danske Bank, Säästöpankki, Oma Säästöpankki, POP Pankki, Aktia, Handelsbanken, Ålandsbanken ja S-Pankki).    
  • No provision or other additional fee is charged when the payment is made through an online bank service.    

Credit card payment 

  • Accepted cards: Visa, MasterCard and American Express
  • In connection with a credit card payment, a provision is added to the total sum by the payment service. The provision is 2 % of the total sum when using Visa or MasterCard, and 3 % when the payment is made with AmericanExpress. 


  • With MobilePay the payment is verified through the MobilePay-application. The application is connected to the payer’s mobile phone number. 
  • In connection with this payment option, a provision of 2 % is added to the total sum by the payment service.    

Invoice/ instalment  

  • The invoice/ instalment option is provided by Walley, which is a payment solution owned by Collector Bank Ab.  
  • In this payment option a provision of 2 % is added to the total sum by the payment service. Additionally, an invoicing fee of 3,80 € is added to the total sum.    
  • In connection with the invoice/ instalment option the payer’s identity is verified through the TUPAS authentication system. The service provider Walley makes a credit decision in connection with the authentication by checking the payer’s credit data from Bisnode Finland’s register. After a positive credit decision, the payment is confirmed, after which Walley sends the payer an email invoice.  
  • The invoice has 45 days of interest-free payment time. Additionally, the payer can make a credit agreement for 1-36 months with Collector Bank AB and pay the invoice in several rates. The credit agreement is made between the customer and Collector Bank Ab, and Walley’s terms apply to the agreement: In the terms document you can also find more information about the invoicing fee and the credit interest. 
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