These goals quide our way to do things and are visible in everyting we do.
Kajo creates new ways to organize large events sustainably
The organizers of Kajo are working with collaborators to develop new ways to make large scouting events sustainably. Ecological sustainability isn’t the only point of view into sustainability. Kajo is made to be more sustainable than previous events also socially, economically, and culturally.
The goal is that Kajo’s legacy will be useful lessons learned through bold trials that can be utilised when planning future camps and other events. The organisers will also actively share the lessons they learn during the project with others.
The decisions of Kajo on sustainability are always made after consideration of multiple points of views, and also difficult decisions are explained transparently.

Kajo is accessible to as many as possible
All participants are welcome to join the colorful fabric of Kajo as they are, adding their own color to the whole. There is zero tolerance for discrimination.
Accessibility is considered from multiple different angles on Kajo. Physical and sensory restrictions are taken into account in the program and communication. Linguistic accessibility is also given special attention. Kajo is a camp where everyone feels comfortable.
Accessibility also means that the camp is accessible to as many as possible. It means that even those who cannot physically participate at the event can dive into the camp life through different stories.

Kajo is a shared, unique and international scouting experience
On Kajo everyone feels unity and like they are a part of a shared scouting experience. Size alone makes Kajo unique, and it will be filled with diverse people from Finland and hopefully from many other corners of the world.
Kajo welcomes all international participants with open arms. Kajo is a place where people from all over and from different backgrounds meet each other in the natural environment of a camp. Uniqueness means something different for everyone experiencing the camp. What will your unique Kajo-experience be?

Kajo raises its participants and organizers to make more responsible choices
Responsibility and accountability have always been a part of scouting, but in scouting today it’s practically a requirement. It is possible for Scouts to act as an example on how to organise a huge event in a responsible way. Responsible choices refer to those that help take us towards the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. It is important that everyone on Kajo has an idea of what is meant by responsible choices and why it is important to make them.
Kajo uses traffic lights of responsibility that will help examine the decisions and choices made for the camp.